Monday, November 30, 2015

                     "Thanksgiving Week"

    Thanksgiving this year was kind of the same as all the others except it was slightly different this year. This year my family and I went to my favorite cousins house which was fun because I got to finally see them after like 2 months. Anyway before we went the day before my parents made tamales to take because my mom didn't want to go empty handed and just eat, so they made them and then they cooked them the next morning. Once we got there we were actually the first ones to arrive so i was just chatting with my cousins and using my phone waiting for other family members to arrive so we can all eat together. After an hour or so we went outside to the tables and ate mostly what my aunt cooked. This year was actually the first time that I ate turkey because in my house we don't make turkey because my mom just doesn't like it so I've never really had a type of "traditional" kind of feast. But then again my whole family both my mom's and dad's side never have that big feast in a round table we've always improvised some how. After I was just with my cousins in the living room while the adults were outside and we were just taking a lot of photos, being funny, snapchatting etc. until one of my other adult cousin came in and asked if we wanted to go black Friday shopping with him in a while or so. And my parents gave me permission and money to go and we came till late like around 3 am and my cousins actually slept over in my house since my other cousin didn't want to be driving back and fourth since we went to a variety of places so they crashed with me. But my parents didn't know they were there so in the morning it was kind of a surprise it was just hilarious. And later on we went again with my cousin to shop more since it was still Friday and that was what pretty much happened
.Image result for black friday shopping        Image result for tamales

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