Tuesday, October 27, 2015

      "Don't sacrifice what you want most for             what you want now. Write down what                  you want most ans see it often."
                        ~Peter Vidmar

Image result for peter vidmar If you have a goal that you really want and need to accomplish then you practice study or work hard for it. Don't waste your time from practice, or study to go and do something else that can wait for later. If you really want to accomplish that goal then work for it. If its worth it in the end. All your time preparing will pay off and you will be happy that all that practice, studying, or working paid off. 
          Healthcare Administrator
Duties and Responsibilities: 
Health care administrators, coordinate the activities of medical organizations ranging from doctors’ offices to hospital departments to health care corporations. They create goals and the ways to achieve those goals, and they pass the information to all employees.

Average of $64,821 per year

A bachelor’s degree of 4 years

Image result for healthcare administrator


I don’t think I would like to be one because 

organizing and making up ways to improve in 

skills is too stressing. 

Friday, October 23, 2015

          "A good name is rather to be chosen                                       than great riches."
                          ~Proverbs 22:1
Image result for doctors nurses lawyersHaving people compliment you, thriving to succeed like you do is better than having riches. Its the only kind of riches you should aim for. Sure money and power is all we wish for but usually it doesn't always make us happy. For example one can be rich but still be miserable. The reason for that is because other individuals talk bad about that person. They may say that he or she just uses their money to get wasted instead of using it to help others they just think of themselves. That's not a good name to keep and have around while having others talking behind your back. But with a good name its completely the opposite. They may say that he or she is very kind and smart I hope to be like him/her. Or that he/she is a good role model to follow. That's more valuable then any kind of riches. It gives good thoughts when someone mentions your name.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

  "A good name is better than anything you can                                achieve in this life"
                               ~Coach K.
                         Mike Krzyzewski
Image result for mike krzyzewski    If you build up a great character it improves peoples aspect of you. Your name is your reputation. If you have a bad reputation then anytime anybody mentions your name they will think bad things and it will give them a negative aspect of you. They wouldn't want to be around you. But in the other hand if you build up a good character, you always do what your suppose to do, you respect yourself and other people, then people will have trust in you. They will compliment and say great things about you to other people. Your name changes peoples opinion and point of view about you. For example  if someone thinks your a very good CTR person they might want to recommend you to someone who can give you a job. If you have a good clean name they most likely and will and want to hire you. This is one of the advantages of having a good name.

Monday, October 19, 2015

"If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow"
                       ~Thomas S.Monson
Image result for standing up for what's right
If anybody tells you especially your friends to do 
something you know is wrong you shouldn't do it. You should be the one to advise them and tell them that its wrong doing. Be the one to make them reconsider their choice to either do it or to choose the right and not do it. Even if you stand alone and your the only one who agrees that its wrong doing you should still speak up. If they start laughing at you and start calling you names then just walk away. Sooner or later they will severe the consequences of their wrong actions and tell you that you were right. On the other hand if decide to not follow the rules and decide to follow the crowd because no one else spoke up you might be the one  to get in the most trouble because your so-called friends didn't have your back. That way you learn your lesson the hard way. So I advise you to always be that one person to stand up and choose the right. Even if they laugh at you, you will soon feel good with in for not doing the wrong.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

"A CTR champion is a person who      makes a great human out of                 himself."
        ~Noemi Trigueros
Image result for ctr championThere are different types of champions in the world. It is a great accomplishment to have the title champion of a sport or academic of some sort or really anything but what do they all have in common? They only lasts for so long and as time flies by there eventually will be a new one. But there is one championship that can last a whole life time which is the CTR championship. Really anyone can be a CTR person of they put their effort into it. The championship is for everyone to grab and keep. A CTR person is the happiest person there can be because they were always told to chooses the right and with that they were able to over come many great things. By being a CTR person you can carry the name champ anywhere you go and you will feel greatness within yourself. You can never lose the title as long as you choose the right. Its your title to keep and with that good things will always come your way whenever you choose the right.  

         ENT Specialist 

Duties and Responsibilities:
An ENT Specialist is a physician trained in the medical and surgical treatment of the ears, nose throat, and related structures of the head and neck.
Image result for ent specialist
Salary: $302,500

To become an ENT Specialist you have to begin by going to medical school for about 4 years, score well on the MCAT and earn a high undergraduate GPA and then complete a 3-5 year residency in an ENT program.


I don’t think I would like to be a ENT specialist because it doesn’t sound as an exciting job and I wouldn’t want to treat peoples noses or ears.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

    "Success is not an accident. Success is           actually a choice. Are the habits you have         today on par with the dreams you have                                    tomorrow?"
                            ~Alan Stein

Image result for Diploma  To be successful you need to work hard for it it doesn't just come naturally. The work that you do depends on your effort and your effort determines your future. For example if a student works hard through out high school and college the chances are that, that student will have better opportunities in life. Meaning a better chance in a good job or career which can earn them a lot of money. And with that hard earned money they can buy whatever they want like a car or a big house. It all depends on your choices to work hard and eventually getting the point of having your dream job of being a doctor or lawyer or basically anything. But in the other hand if a student has a habit of not turning in homework, is always late to class, doesn't pay attention, never studies for quizzes then most likely they wont got far in life and they won't be successful like the way they planned to be. Its all in good habits to do your work!
  Image result for person failing

Friday, October 9, 2015

Image result for anti alcoholic"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block."
          ~James E. Faust
Image result for someone getting fired from jobThis quote says that when you achieve obedience "being obedient 24/7" then it wont be as hard to do something because your being obedient and following the rules. For example if a grown up decides to get drunk a day before work then that person was being disobedient because the next day when there at work they wont have the energy to even focus on their job. They would be doing so poorly at their job and maybe even get fired. That is a negative consequence in being disobedient. But if that person decided to follow the rules then they wouldn't be dismissed from their job and wouldn't have a bad record. So you see you need to follow and be obedient to the rules because if you're not that wrong choice will be a stumbling block just like you'll stumble to find a new job after you were fired. But if you are obedient then it would like a building block and it will help you be better at your job.
                        Image result for someone working