Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Current Health Issue~Climate Change

Climate change is a serious issue because it affects water supply, increase vector borne disease and increase extreme weather events which also causes habitats to be destroyed like the north pole etc. Us humans have everything to do with climate change. We harm the ozone layer of the earth that shields too much sunlight to hit the surface. It’s because of all the chemicals we release in the air, so basically air pollution. Examples are cars, factories, restaurants, burning of plastics etc. One thing that is being done is the reduction for the use of cars. Instead of driving everywhere walk to your destination if it isn’t far or take the bus so it can reduce the amount of people that use cars.
This issue obviously affects us, because of climate change we are in a drought. Not only will the lack of water affects us but every other living things needs water to survive. What about all the other vegetation plants, fruits, vegetables, all food basically and not to mention the animals too.

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