Wednesday, March 16, 2016

                           My Plans for Spring

     Sleep and use my phone. Its the only thing I plan to do in spring break. And it's basically all I can do. I'm literally like a bird trapped in it's cage, except I'm the bird and the cage is my house. My family doesn't really go out anywhere mainly for the reason that my parents are always working. And when I complain about it they always tell me,"that's why you need to get your education to get a better job so you don't wind up like us." And it's true to what they say if you don't finish school then it will be much harder to enjoy life if your always constantly trying to maintain your family. Anyways back to my usual life. Apart from sleeping and using my phone all the time I plan to draw. I'm no expert or anything but it just keeps my mind off from boredom. I also plan to just read or write on my own, usually that always makes time past by. But we'll see what happens. It honestly doesn't affect as much no more because i'm so used to just going home from school and do completely nothing. Sometimes even my cousins think I might go crazy for always staying inside my room all day but i mean I'd rather be in there than with my annoying screaming siblings, and i'm not causing trouble to anybody. Honestly my parents should be proud of me because of it. They know they don't have to worry about me doing anything bad unlike some other people.  
Image result for people readingImage result for people sleeping

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